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To use simply:

  1. Download the executable and run it.
  2. Phlappjack will open your Chrome browser on http://localhost:8000
  3. Create a new application, or retrieve a previously saved one.
  4. Utilize the Phlappjack modules to enter your Mongo DB information (THIS WILL NOT BE SAVED ON OUR END), your desired schemas and their properites (TypeScript formatted), and create working middleware functions (Note: these are supplised as working boiler plate functions that can be specified further in the editor).
  5. NOTE: the schema information will need to exactly match your current working front end in case sensitivity.
  6. Hit SAVE.
  7. EXPORT will dump the files to your local system.
  8. The DEPLOY button in Deno Deploy will push your app to your linked repository and to your project on Deno Deploy.

Your configuration will be output alongside the application in the /createdApplication directory.


The frontend is developed in Node and is using Webpack dev server to make the deployment process as quick and painless as possible. To work on the front end run the below:

Frontend dev (Node)#

npm install
npm run dev

Running the server in Deno#

deno run --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net mod.ts

Optionally run with the --watch flag for file reloading.

This will serve the static react content stored in /build and watch for file changes.

Creating a client Bundle#

Any changes to the frontend will need to be re-built to be reflected in the app.

npm run build

Compiling the app executable#

We are using Leaf by Mandarine in order to package our bundle files inside the binary. In order to do this you can build an executable using the below:

deno run --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net leaf.ts <optional output filename>

Docker and Compose#

You can run the deployment using docker-compose up BUT you need to build the phlappjack react image first using docker build -t phlappjack .


There is now a .env file to support connecting to Mongo. Please add a .env file to the root of the repo and populate the fields, e.g:


The connection uri is already set up in server/models/


Server Dependencies are stored in deps.ts

Client Dependencies are stored in package.json and node_modules

Oak Server#

The backend is running Oak and serving static files from the build directory.

Frontend component architecture#

To aid development, the application structure looks like this:


For questions & community support, please visit our Discord Channel or join us on our twitter.

Want to help?#

Interested in coding#

In order to submit improvements to the code, open a PR and wait for it to review. We appreciate you doing this.

Not interested in coding#

We would love to have you in our community, please submit an issue to provide information about a bug, feature, or improvement you would like.

Follow us wherever we are going#